Here are 10 technologies that we believe will disrupt businesses in 2022 and beyond.
What is IoB (Internet of Behaviors)?
IoB or internet of behaviors is a somewhat recent phrase that refers to the combination of physical and digital worlds through devices such as sensors and smartphones, and connected to the cloud allowing them to send and receive data to provide value either in a closed or open ecosystem.
API enablement increases security & scalability for a professional services company
Our client enabled its API for extra security, scalability, and monitoring using an API Management solution.
Comparing Video Platform API and Features
With remote working now the norm amidst the pandemic, seamless real-time video communication is now an essential feature
Enabling Customer Driven Application Development for Gett B2B
Sphere developed a successful customer-oriented prototype for Gett Taxi.
Acquisition of a Large Electric Vehicle Charging Company Leads to Migrating Legacy Applications to Microservices
Following a key acquisition of an electric vehicle charging company, the client software teams decided to migrate their old monolith system that ran from a data server into set of new microservices in the cloud.
Platform rebuild fuels global scale for Gett Inc.
Gett Inc., was looking for a partner to help scale it's platform with the changing needs of the business. and looked to Sphere for a team of experienced developers.
ERP solution for mid sized logistics firm realizes better cost controls
The client company wanted to adjust their operational reporting capability in response to rapid growth and were looking for a vendor to help integrate a new ERP.
Sphere delivers audio-visual functionality to software training platform company
A Tel Aviv company that operates a training platform was seeking a partner for an end-to-end development pipeline that included designing the user interface, system, validation, and go-live.
Sphere Partners delivers video interview platform on-time: from ideation to product launch
Sphere was approached by a video training platform startup for recruiters and job seekers that focuses on helping applicants land the perfect job by providing online mock interviews, expert mentor advice, personalized recommendations and video recording, so job seekers can be well prepared in their job search.