Since 2014, Delta Dental has been facing a significant digital transformation. The company’s growth necessitated the expansion of their software development and IT teams. Delta Dental required a sophisticated tool for managing all the development projects and initiatives, as well as a top-level collaboration platform for document management. To implement this solution, they first needed assistance with the migration from their legacy bug tracking system. In phase two, the senior management team required additional consulting and training on Agile Development, as well as assistance with finding a collaboration platform for document management.
Distributor Achieves Streamlined Operations, Ability to Scale with NetSuite
Distributors have to think about scaling up, strategically expanding their product offering, and increasing their sales, while retaining their customer base to an ever-evolving client-driven market. Learn how Sphere helped one company streamline their operations with NetSuite.
Law Firm Optimizes Operations, Stays Compliant with NetSuite
With a robust, scalable solution like NetSuite, you can save time and effort, reduce your costs on a daily basis, derisk errors by eliminating manual intervention with tax compliances and regulations.
Professional Services Firm Streamlines Operations, Saves Time with NetSuite
Professional services companies search for an ERP system with automated processes, one that can accommodate their need for increase of projects and transactions, but also, a system that is built for scale. Sphere helped one company automate, scale and streamline operations with NetSuite.
MKG Recruits Sphere to Optimize System, Enhance Operational Performance
To reach the pharmaceuticals market, MKG organizes and promotes medical conferences. They utilize data gathered from this conference (attendees, registrations, activity, etc.) for targeted advertising. They came to Sphere for help optimize their platform.
Role of CTO in Technology Development Acceleration
Originally published on Forbes, January 8, 2020
The only way to win
Agile technology development to embrace risk management strategies
Make sure you register for the upcoming Tech debates at the Capital Factory on 5 November in Austin. Learn how
Is the CTO’s Role Still Relevant?
Technology companies are challenged to
The biggest challenge CTO’s Balancing Act
Today’s CTOs must balance innovation
Agile Development Success Lies in Communication and Curiosity
Peter Caron, Chief Product Officer at UBIX.AI, was one of the participating panelists in our July TechDebate discussing the challenges