Agile planning – building an agile organization

  Agile Planning - Creating and Reaping the Benefits of an Agile Organization The legendary boxer Mike Tyson once said, "Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the mouth." While Tyson has plenty of areas of personal weakness, his ability to approach a boxing match in an agile manner was unmatched. He fully

July 18th, 2019|

Case Study: Blockchain Consulting – Loan Marketplace

OVERVIEW The client - developers of a proprietary secondary loan marketplace that automated the process of combining and splitting loans across multiple lenders - wanted to provide immutable smart contract access for all buyers and sellers. BLOCKCHAIN CONSULTING REQUIREMENTS The client wanted a tamper-evident, immutable digital transaction ledger for a private network of participating peers.

June 21st, 2019|

How the Internet of Things Is Delivering Value to Consumers Today

After our TechDebate in London earlier this year, I had the opportunity to have a follow-up conversation with one of the panelists, Dominique Guinard who is the founder and CTO of EVRYTHNG. We discussed his views on the direction of the IOT.  To attend future debates register at  We’re always on the look-out

June 17th, 2019|

How the IoT Is Transforming Familiar Spaces

Christoph Burgdorfer is the Emerging Technologies Director for Asteria. This spring, Christoph participated in a forum in London, where the panel discussed how the physical and digital worlds are coalescing. Christoph and I were able to explore the topic from a slightly different perspective after the TechDebate. Could you start by explaining a little

June 14th, 2019|

Improving Process, People, and Culture to Boost Remote Productivity

  Improving Process, People, and Culture to Boost Remote Productivity Without proper communication and process, working with remote consultants can be difficult. In the broadest sense, it can be a problem of context. Without context, remote workers rarely understand the “why” regarding their actions. Why should they make certain software changes? Will it help the

June 10th, 2019|