Discussion About Shaping of Technology Team Culture

We had a fascinating discussion at the Wednesday, May 1 TechDebate in Chicago where we discussed the shaping of culture on technology teams. Glenn Keighley of OutcomeHealth was one of the participants in the discussion and I was lucky enough to spend a few minutes with him.   Examining Technology Team Culture The term

May 3rd, 2019|

How Industrial AI is transforming markets?

Industrial AI is transforming markets. I recently had a conversation with Adam McElhinney at @Uptake to learn more about the IoT revolution, machine learning, and artificial intelligence. We have an upcoming TechDebate May 1 in Chicago debating ways to build the best development teams. Register now at www.techdebates.org.  We’re always on the look-out for debaters

April 20th, 2019|

Introducing Jira Software 8.0 to the Software Industry

  Jira Software 8.0 is the next chapter of Jira for enterprise teams, harnessing a speedy new engine built for scale. With this release, Jira users will be able to communicate updates and priorities more clearly, while system administrators will find it easier and less time-consuming to support the performance needs of growing teams. Here

April 15th, 2019|

Loan approval workflow Integration and Implementation case study

CreditNinja is a fast-growing web lending and approval application. It uses a loan approval workflow to faciliate transactions for all parties. A number of third-party services needed to be efficiently integrated in order to fetch and store the data needed for the credit decisioning process. Solution Integration services were developed using Python3.6 as AWS

April 8th, 2019|

Case Study: Implementing Accelerated Mobile Development

The client needed help building mobile products on an accelerated timeframe OVERVIEW Sphere was asked to build a mobile application that allows employees to pay for a taxi using a corporate account.  The goal was to build a MVP within 3 months that shares 90%+ or more of the code between iOS and Android

April 6th, 2019|

Case Study: Develop End-User Portal using Microservices

OVERVIEW A financial services company wanted to rapidly develop a transactional portal for storing customer financial data and make the data available to customer service personnel.   PROBLEMS / CHALLENGES The organization had made significant investments in its digital platforms and business optimization efforts but needed to streamline processes (such as allowing the customer service

April 6th, 2019|

Due Diligence Case Study for Mergers & Acquisitions

The client asked Sphere's leadership team to evaluate a B2B transportation hub’s technology in preparation for an acquisition. Read our M&A due diligence case study below to learn more. Scope In an interesting turn of events, the client placed more value on the business assets (the customers and vendor network) than the technology that ran

April 6th, 2019|

Case Study – M&A Due Diligence on Social Media Monitoring Platform

Project Overview An angel investor asked us to evaluate the risk of a potential investment in a social media monitoring and big data collection application.   Solution An angel investor was approached by a five-person start-up in Tel Aviv with an innovative social media data harvesting application.  The investor asked us to evaluate the technology

April 6th, 2019|

Case Study – M&A Due Diligence on Video on Demand Platform

Mergers/Acquisition Due Diligence: Our client was considering an acquisition of a new video-on-demand technology product company. They hired us to understand the target’s brand strength, development team, technical viability, and customer growth prospects. Mergers/Acquisition Due Diligence By conducting extensive primary research on their TAM (total addressable market), we sought to understand

April 5th, 2019|

Benifits & Features of Kotlin Technical Debt

By Herman Kononets Kotlin is a programming language for the Java Virtual Machine that’s able to be used in any scenarios that currently utilize Java. Kotlin is quickly replacing Java as the preferred language for programming Android applications and functions. For developers currently using Java, it’s simple to move to Kotlin. Developers can carry

April 3rd, 2019|