Automation: Why You Need to Do It, and Where to Start

Automation is a buzzword in the tech industry nowadays, and for a good reason. The fact that there are so many devices powered with software and artificial intelligence (AI) enables organizations to save time, money, and effort for team members. But even in this tech-driven age, many are still wary

January 14th, 2019|

How to Save Money with Automation Testing Infrastructure?

Automation testing typically brings with it several money-saving opportunities. It allows companies to save time by running tests continuously. It offers frequent reporting, the benefits of consistency, and exactness. Manual testing can produce costly oversights, which then need to be corrected. This outdated type of testing is also a cash-draining

January 8th, 2019|

Optimize QA Automation To Increase Customer Success

Achieving a high level of customer success is a requirement for all serious businesses, and optimizing QA automation is an important step in getting there. When it comes to managing customer success, companies can’t be too attentive. While a phrase like ‘customer success’ might seem simple enough, it has a

January 3rd, 2019|

Transporting Complex Sales Through Blue Ocean Strategy

In 2004, two business strategists named Renee Mauborgne and W. Chan Kim released a book called Blue Ocean Strategy and forever transformed the way we see innovation and disruption. The concept is simple: first, we start with a red ocean. It symbolizes a market space crowded with competition, not unlike a stretch of the Pacific

December 13th, 2018|

Customer Success Management – Defining and Exploring Best Practices

A definition of “customer success management” (CSM) is needed before offering tips on its implementation. Fundamentally it’s a deliberate strategy for maximizing the value of customers in a sustainable and long-term manner. The “deliberate” part is important because it means a company has to actively manage their business-customer relationships. They must consider these relationships as

December 12th, 2018|

How to Improve Time-to-market for your Applications?

Getting applications to market is a common objective for any tech-enabled company. While the motive may vary, some obvious benefits are seen in capturing revenue, sales, staying ahead of the competition in the marketplace and maintaining pole position as a market leader. Making improvements in your time to market can

December 10th, 2018|

Winning the Digital strategy Transformation Battle – Fighting Fears and Misconceptions

  Digital strategy is an “all-in” affair. You have to get the whole team on board because a digital strategy is disruptive. According to research from McKinsey, there are several battles organizations need to overcome before they reach a digital transformation state. Reaching such a point is against-the-odds because of multiple reasons, including internal opposition,

December 5th, 2018|

Agile Budgets: Top 12 Agile Budgeting Tips

Software development projects require correct implementation and ultimately good management. Agile budgets are difficult to explain. As with most tasks, if you get the ‘working-out’ wrong, this could impede progress, but fail to calculate the costings correctly... and you will attract unwanted profit loss. Naturally, an essential part of the management process is conducting

December 4th, 2018|

3 Ways To Save On IT Costs Without Losing Out On Quality

Finding ways to save on IT costs doesn’t have to mean stunting development. Here are three ways to cut your budget while maintaining quality services. This year we may be celebrating (if that’s the right word) ten years since the start of the Great Recession, but companies everywhere are still

November 30th, 2018|

Automated Agile Testing – The Key Component of Agile DevOps

Automated agile testing involves all of the stakeholders during production. Automated agile testing is conducted during every stage of development. Automated Agile Testing in an Important Part of DevOps. According to, “agile” is defined one way as “quick and well-coordinated in movement; lithe.” It’s a great way to describe an acrobat or athlete, but

November 26th, 2018|