Strategic Prioritization – How to Rank Transformative Digital Projects

Strategic Prioritization is fundamentally a way of developing ideas and then setting an order for preferred completion for each idea, thereby creating a ranking of importance. It’s especially difficult within a company structure because there are so many stakeholders and various personal opinions. However, according to a Harvard Business Review

November 14th, 2018|

Changes Coming for Ethereum Smart Contracts with ERC-1400

ERC stands for Ethereum Request for Contract, and they are documents used by the Ethereum smart contract developer community. Each ERC defines various rules that affect how tokens can be used within Ethereum. There’s a formal process for approving ERCs, with revisions and commentary provided through the community. The main reason for ERC-1400’s development is

November 8th, 2018|

Security vs. Utility Tokens: Key Differences and Similarities

Our previous post defined security tokens and explored several uses cases for “securitizing” various investments. We explained that security tokens are backed by real-world assets that are tangibly valuable. This makes the asset more liquid because it provides a building owner, art dealer, or classic car purveyor with access to capital while still retaining ownership

November 5th, 2018|

The BIG Debate: Automated vs. Manual Testing

Some debates are not easily resolved. Kanban or Scrum? Vim or Emacs? In the world of software, many technical engineering debates are created but never settled. True, most engineering debates can be emotional or reductionist; however, they often have little to do with actual engineering benefits, but everything to do with opinion. So it raises

October 22nd, 2018|

Remote vs onsite – 5 Ways Remote Workers Outperform In-Office Workers

Remote vs OnSite? You hear it everywhere: offices lined with cubicle workers are on their way out. The hottest startups attract new talent with promises of work-at-home Fridays. Ranks of digital nomads take their jobs to the beach. But if you’re a manager looking to make a new hire you’ll be looking to ask

September 28th, 2018|

Addressing the Key Challenges of Technical Debt

  Addressing the Key Challenges of Technical Debt When it comes to technical debt, it’s vital to understand that the debts found in your software code represent more than just lost hard costs. There’s also the “softer” costs that come when the debt affects your team’s ability to get things done. Whether these “things” are

September 20th, 2018|